05 August 2008

Arena fun

Mummy says Red goes home on Thursday. I'm going to miss evening run time.

In the meantime, since I can't go lie on Mummy and Daddy's bed during the day, I've had to make do with the new couch.

I know. I have such a hard life...



oh dear - I hate to see you so uncomfortable! I'm sure that couch is rock hard, and that blanket on top is not snuggle worthy at all. [sigh] Poor thing.

The "running" video was cute - you and Red run about as much as Sabrina and Apollo do before needing a rest. And there's nothing better than rolling around on your back in the cool grass ...

Colleen Pollock-Patience

WOW! That is one very hard done by greyhound! Love the runny video too!

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